Monday, November 3, 2008

meet or manage?

OK - so perhaps I ought to post about the session I presented (slides available at the link) - Meeting or Managing? Responding to student expectations through policy and practice

I think (?) the session went pretty well though it was quite scary stuff. Approx 250 people at the session and I was tied to the lecturn by microphone cables ("please speak clearly this session is being recorded")... concluded it is harder for me to speak standing still. Also felt slightly odd about the number of people attending the session from what we might call a very, very close geographical proximity. There was a lot packed into the session. I talked some about the survey and its design but mostly about what we did with it. Got into some strange places around Bb consistency (which we have already learned doesn't really travel transatlantic) but overall it was well received - no one left during the presentation which is a good measure at Educause (think I earned extra brownie points by ending the formal bit early for questions so those who wanted to avoid lunch crowds could slip out discretely).

Here is a little extra competition for you....of the 15-20 people who came up at the end what did 14-19 0f them ask for?? - the slides may offer a clue. I have a fabulous apple related prize for the first person to guess (and I have another apple related prize for the first person to guess what the apple related prize is....and it needs to be exactly right)

btw if there are any other sessions that capture your interest here is the link to all the Sessions with Available Resources Speakers are asked to post by 14th Nov so the list may well grow some more.


anne said...

what they asked for:

your autograph?
a signed photo?
a date?
a copy of the exec training poster?
what the 20 questions were?
11 things?
your apple related prize?

This is harder than shed duke oars!
Come on Liz - I'm sure you'll get this one.

Louise said...

I was invited to Alaska to go dog mushing, though I don't think that counts as a date...

Come on Anne, be brave, pick an answer, any answer!!!

anne said...

oh, alright, go on then (but if I pick the wrong one from the 3 real contenders do I get an apple- related consolation prize?)

The Exec training poster.

smodge said...

Either 11 things or the url for the sheffield tourism website (pics obviously weren't taken today).

Re prize -
I-pod? er I-Book? er.. Mr Kipling?

Louise said...

OK - I'm awarding the two apple-related prizes to Anne and Helen - as they are both equally deserving.

The answer is - "11 things"
I have about 20 business cards with "11 things" written on the back and I've had another 10 emails asking for them since. This is such a simple thing that always generates so much interest.

The blog-reveal of the apple-related prize will take place after the formal presentation next week.