Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting started

OK, well here is the customary intro post - setting off early in the morning and glad I've remembered that the clocks go back tonight!! There will, of course, be postings of what's going on, interesting discoveries, challenging new session formats and, well yes, there may also be a little smackerel of blog-game-playing.


Angie Donoghue said...

Oh god, you're off already - a smackerel? Hope you have a good trip!

gs said...

hoping that's some sort of smattering + morsel portmanteau, and that you're not proposing a prize of smoked mackerel? if so, game participation may be slightly lower than anticipated :)

Louise said...

smackerel is classic winnie the pooh:
'Piglet has just arrived at Pooh's house. "Nearly eleven o'clock," said Pooh happily. "You're just in time for a little smackerel of something," and he put his head into the cupboard.' (House at Pooh Corner)

as I've been known to resort to cupboarding with these games and there's always time for a little taste of fun it seemed apt.

OK Liz, if you insist, I think the time is right to resurrect the portmanteau competition...more information coming soon

I'm also going to shamelessly steal (oops sorry!) homage the excellent mLearn photo game cos it was such good fun...also coming soon

and finally there might be more - of course, there will ;-)

btw not making any guarantees about whether there will or won't be any fish related prizes!

Brian said...

Does the world clock on the blog continuously shrink and grow for anyone else? Is giving me a headache looking at the posts.

Louise said...

hey brian - refresh your page and it'll stop (and stop the headache) - it seems to happen if you use back/forward buttons

Louise said...

OK bugging me now too - changed to digital to see if that is easier on the eye

Richard Mather said...

I had the weird clock thing happening too, but I did like the analogue version...

Louise said...

oops feel like I've created clockgate here! I just think if you are going to design an online clock then you should probably design it to cope with time changing... it does that, you know :-)